Digital Marketing in Qatar

Corporate brand identity in Qatar and how to design it?!

Corporate brand identity in Qatar and how to design it?!

Corporate brand identity in Qatar and how to design it?!

Corporate brand identity in Qatar is the special formula that makes you unique and sets your company apart from other competitors. It’s the set of tools and factors that contribute to shaping an audience’s impression of your brand.

But what exactly is Corporate brand identity in Qatar? And How can you build a strong identity for your brand? Let’s go ,,,

Corporate brand identity in Qatar

Corporate brand identity in Qatar is the set of elements that your company uses to create a great image of your brand to the audience. It’s different from the image and logo of your brand.

It meaning’s the marketing practices that you can use to form a distinctive identity for your brand such as logo, advertisements, and others. Your brand identity is what makes your audience easily differentiate your company.

Your audience connects your brand identity with your services or products.

How to design a strong Corporate brand identity in Qatar ?

To design a strong and unique corporate brand identity in Qatar, you must follow some steps, such as:

Determine your brand well

Before you get to know the elements that help you in forming a strong identity for your brand, you must first know who you are and define your mission well, by asking the following questions:

  • Why did you decide to create your brand (your mission).
  • What are the goals of your brand or your company? (The values you want to embrace through your brand).
  • What kind of character do you want to be? (Your brand personality).
  • What are the features that make you unique (your place among your competitors).
  • How will you communicate or speak with your audience? (Your brand voice).

Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, it’s time to build a strong identity that attracts customers for you from everywhere.

Choose the tools you will use in your design

Before you start designing your Corporate brand identity in Qatar , you must first choose the basics or tools on which you will build your design structure, like:


You must intelligently determine the type and font size that you will use in your branding materials such as logo and brand Fonts.

There are four main types of Typography:

  • Serif fonts: This type features little feet at the end of each letter. It’s classic typography that you can use if you want your brand to look trustworthy and traditional such as Garamond.
  • Sans serif fonts: Characterized by fonts with smooth edges and no small feet at the end of each letter, like Serif fonts. You can use it if you want to give your brand a stylish and modern impression such as Helvetica.
  • Display fonts: These fonts aren’t traditional- they take an unusual shape for letters or feature bold, shaded, or hand-drawn fonts. This type gives your brand a bold and memorable such as lightning bolt fonts.
  • Script typography: This type of Typography simulates the method of cursive handwriting. These fonts can be a great way to add a feminine or luxurious flair to your brand such as Allura.

Colors (Color palette)

Customers are psychologically related to the different colors, so the colors of your logo and your branding tools can have a serious impact on how your audience understands your brand.

Here are what the colors mean for your Corporate brand identity in Qatar :

  • Yellow: It expresses happiness, fun, and a joyful atmosphere.
  • Red: means excitement, passion, and youth.
  • Green: Versatile and associated in customers’ minds with nature and money.
  • Orange: indicates fun and friendliness.
  • Blue: It gives a more attractive and stable impression of your brand
  • Pink: It is associated with femininity and gives your brand a soft and luxurious impression.
  • Purple: the color of royalty and means luxury.
  • Brown: It is the least used color in different brands, and it gives a strong, masculine impression to your brand.
  • Black: denotes modernity and sophistication.


Form/Shape are the powerful ingredients you can use to enhance the interaction between your customers and your brand. For example, a logo that is made up of squares and has sharp edges gives a different impression than a logo that consists of circles and smooth edges.

Form/Shape vary between:

  • Straight edged shapes, including rectangles, squares, and triangles, and give the impression of strength and trustworthiness
  • Round shapes, such as ovals and circles, indicate warmth, love, and sometimes femininity
  • Straight lines, including vertical ones, indicate strength and manliness, and horizontal ones that indicate calm.

Design your Corporate brand identity in Qatar

After you have identified the building blocks for designing your Corporate brand identity in Qatar , it’s time to collaborate with a professional design company to design the strong, dreamy identity of your company.

The elements of designing your identity corporate include:


Know very well that a logo is the cornerstone of your brand identity, so make sure it:

  • Visually appealing and simple.
  • Clarifies your brand identity.
  • never forget.
  • Have multiple versions such as black and white version and multiple size versions.
  • Express your goals well.


Having a website that strongly expresses your brand identity is essential, especially if you are promoting a digital product or running an electronic business.

Certainly, your potential customers will visit your website and check it well before doing business with you, so your website is the place that should represent your brand identity well.

Product packaging

If you’re promoting a physical product, elegantly packaging is the key to attracting the right customers for it, so don’t underestimate the value of good design for your product packaging.

Email design

Email is a great way to reach your customers but use it wisely so that customers don’t get alienated from you. If you are trying to make personal contact with your customers, make your message simple, short, and friendly, but if you are trying to tell your customers to launch a new bags line, use some great pictures to express it.

Business cards

Create a good design for your business cards to reinforce a positive opinion of your brand in the eyes of your customers and your target audience. Keep it simple and special.