Digital Marketing in Qatar

5 mistakes to avoid when advertising on Facebook in Qatar

5 mistakes to avoid when advertising on Facebook in Qatar

5 mistakes to avoid when advertising on Facebook in Qatar


Advertising on Facebook in Qatar has become an essential tool for many companies worldwide. Studies have shown that in 2020 there are more than 9 million companies that advertise their services and products on Facebook.

This isn’t surprising at all, compared to other social media, Facebook has the largest number of audiences in the world. In mid-2020, the number of active Facebook users reached 2.7 million every month. This means there are great opportunities for branding and awareness about brands across all industries.

However, while many companies spend large amounts of money on Facebook ads annually. they aren’t getting the return they expect. Why? And How can they benefit from advertising on Facebook without losing money?

This is what we’ll talk about in this article, let’s go,,,

5 mistakes to avoid when advertising on Facebook in Qatar

To be able to benefit from Facebook ads without losing money, you must avoid several common mistakes used in this field, like:

1. Limiting a specific audience

It is believed that when selecting a small audience of people you want the ad to reach, will help you save money. But, this is just the opposite of what you’d expect. Advertising experts stress that one of the common mistakes with Facebook ads is identifying a small audience unnecessarily.

The larger your ad targets an audience, the more options Facebook offers about which audience will receive the ad. For example, if you set one budget for your Facebook ad at $ 200 to spend on audiences from Qatar and Dubai. you would spend more effectively than budgeting $ 100 for each country separately.

However, you can define a small audience for your ad if you want to reach specific people who will be more interested in your offer, or if you want to target the audience of a specific country or region only.

2. Targeting  the wrong audience when advertising on Facebook in Qatar

Just as some companies mistakenly target a small audience when they need to target a larger audience, some other companies also error when they select the wrong audience. Many ad campaigns lose out too much because they simply did not target the right audience, or they didn’t study their audience well to know what messages they want to read about their brand.

Although it’s a mistake to target audiences that have nothing to do with your brand while you are doing different types of advertising on Facebook in Qatar, this is a serious mistake when you do it in paid advertising campaigns like Facebook ads. This will cost you Waste time and money while making sure that you are going in the wrong direction.

To avoid this error, you can set up or develop one or more buyer personas for each product or offer you present to your audience. Buyer persona can help you know a lot about the average buyer  (such as his age and role) to use them after that in targeting your audience in the Facebook ads.

You can also use some other tools like Facebook Insights to find out more information about the audience of social media platforms.

3. Create normal and unattractive content

Although social media advertising systems such as ads facebook are effective for increasing your company’s sales and spreading your brand among a wider audience, they will not be effective if your audience does not read them. But why they aren’t read it? Because their content offers no real value, is boring, or unattractive. So you must make sure that you invest your money in advertising content that attracts your audience.

To create engaging content, you must know what type of content will appeal to your audience, For example, are the text posts, video posts, or graphic posts?. Next, you should research the type of messages that will catch their attention and the best way to address them to compel them to click on your ad.

4. Not using A\B test

Although you have followed the previous steps, this is not sufficient to ensure that you are presenting an effective Facebook ad. After you have developed the buyer personas for your brand; and chose the content to present to your audience and how you will speak to them. You must use the A / B ads test provided by Facebook.

With this test, you can send a variety of ads (video posts, images, or text content) to Facebook when you create your ad campaign. Facebook will then send these ads to a small segment of your target audience. Then it analyzes for you which type has the most participation. Then, you can send the best kind of ads to the bulk of your audience.

5. Leave ads running on Autopilot when advertising on Facebook in Qatar

Although advertising on Facebook in Qatar is great for you, you should not rely solely on Facebook to promote your ads. Especially if you have been planning to create your ad campaign for a long time. When you rely on the auto-pilot to run your ads, you risk losing your money and wasting your effort in the advertising campaign.

When you serve the same ad to the same audiences for several days, you’ll be more likely to show the same ad to your audience more than once. This means audiences will not click on your ad every time they see it. And when you keep running the same ad on Facebook over and over without receiving the same engagements. this means a negative impact on your ad spends. This condition is called “Facebook Ad Fatigue”.


Besides avoiding past mistakes when advertising on Facebook in Qatar, you should also use tracking tools that allow you to analyze performance indicators related to and target your ads, such as Facebook Ads Manager, UTM codes, or CMS analytics dashboard.


Felt like you got enough of reading and you feel like that you have enough information. Please go ahead and start practicing and in case at any time you found out that it is taking much of your valuable business operations time, feel free to contact us for support. We have our dedicated team to do all of this and more and always will be at your services. Reach out to us at any time.